Monday, December 14, 2009

Watch Out!

Another Becker will soon be gracing those around us coming around June 11th, 2010. If you have not guessed it, Rachael is pregnant. We will find out if it is a boy or girl this January. As of December 14th, Rachael is in her 14th week and will be excited once the morning sickness subsides. Why do they call it morning sickness? I think it should be morning, afternoon, evening, night, weekends, weekday, holiday, worktime sickness.

Rachael and I are very excited and a little nervous. We feel blessed to be able to bring a life (that God gave us) into this world, but are a little apprehensive about whether the baby will be healthy, whether we will be good parents, and whether we will have jobs in this fickle economy.

If you have any advice that has been helpful, please let us know. Merry Christmas!


Shanle's said...

First off, congrats Matt & Rachael! This is such an exciting time of life for you!

I will tell you this... after our first was born, it was the most miraculous, breath-taking, and exciting feeling in the world... yet at the same time... the scariest.

It is crazy to think you all of a sudden are responsible for such a precious, living thing. But the beauty of it is... children are God's reward to us and you learn each and every day what it means to be a good parents.

Our advice: get on a routine. Stay consistent in love, discipline, protection, teachings, etc. If you stay consistent in the beginning and through it all, you will find great reward in the end. Also, do what's best for YOUR family - even if it goes against the "flow."

ENJOY THIS TIME. It will only getter better once you meet your precious one. Best of luck!!

-The Shanle's

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Birthing babies and raising kids is the most amazing thing... Your life will never be the same, and that's a good thing!!

I saw your post about New York... Y'all went to Redeemer! Brandon's aunt Elaine works there. She is in charge of all the AV for the services.

BTW, this is Amy Rollogas (Brandon's wife).